What are EBKCC's operating hours?

The Centre is open 48 weeks of the year (minimum) on weekdays from 8am to 5.30pm. We are usually fully closed in the late December – late January period.  The State funded Kindergarten program only operates during Victorian Public School Terms, additional holiday care may be arranged during the term holidays.

Who runs the programs?

EBKCC has a wonderful team of Teachers and Educators. Their photos are in the front foyer, so please take a moment to familiarise yourself with all Educators at EBKCC. The Centre is run by Kindergarten Directors. These Directors lead their team of kindergarten and educator staff, and complete all administration tasks with the support of the Committee of Management.

Who runs the Centre? How is it funded?

EBKCC is a not for profit community based Centre managed by a voluntary Committee of Management. it is funded by fees (charged for before and aftercare and childcare) and Victorian State Government funded kindergarten subsidies. EBKCC aims to keep its fee structure as low as possible whilst ensuring the Centre is kept financially viable. Merri-Bek Council owns the EBKCC site and is primarily responsible for the upkeep of the building and grounds. The Committee is responsible for overseeing the management of the Centre, including employing staff. The staff is responsible for implementing the daily programs within the rooms. The Kindergarten Director is responsible for the day to day management of the state funded sessional kindergarten and for the day to day management of the Long Day Care service.

What is the staff to child ratio?

In the Kindergarten program there is a Kindergarten Teacher (ECT) and two Educators for each kindergarten group – that is, a staff ratio of 3:22 for the majority of the time. This is above the national regulation of 1:11. In If a child is assessed as having additional needs, an Inclusion Support Worker or an additional Educator may be employed to ensure that the child can participate fully in the group’s activities. There is always a minimum of 2 staff with the children at any one time.

How many children are there at any one time?

EBKCC has three separate classrooms all of which are licensed by the Department of Education and Training.

  • Pobblebonk - up to 22 children in each session

  • Platypus - up to 20 children in each session

  • Kingfisher - up to 22 children

How can I be involved?

EBKCC is a not for profit community based Centre. Its legal structure is that of an Incorporated Association. This means that it is managed by parents and guardians in partnership with educators and various state, federal and local government bodies. Parent/guardian involvement thus lies at the heart of the Centre’s operations. There are many ways that families can be involved:

  • join the Committee of Management

  • share your skills by volunteering in your child's classroom (we are always looking for people to read a story, sing a song or teach the children new skills)

  • wash a bag of washing

  • attend a working bee (there are several weekend working bees throughout the year)

  • attend our regular social events

My child requires medication. How will this be handled?

With the written consent of a parent, guardian or carer, medicine prescribed by a doctor can be given by staff. Medications will be stored safely by staff and should not be left in the child’s bag. All the relevant details must be recorded in the Medication Book. Please refer to the centre handbook for more detailed information.

How about activities and excursions?

EBKCC organises activities within the centre (called 'incursions') such as storytelling, travelling farms, creative dance, yoga, musical activities and wildlife exhibits. We value the strong community connections and partnerships that EBKCC has developed and continue to nurture. We firmly believe that collaborative relationships enhance the children’s inclusion, learning and wellbeing. At EBKCC, we plan a range of incursions and excursions to complement the educational program. They may vary each year depending on the interests of the children.

Recent incursions have included: creative dance sessions, “Water watch program” presented by the Merri Creek Management Committee, Mad About Science, Museum Victoria, a responsible pet program and wild action Australian animals.

Recent excursions have included: bush kinder at Ceres, neighbourhood and Merri Creek walks, posting letters, a visit to a local school and to Kirkdale Park.

We also value parents sharing their interests, hobbies and skills to enhance the childrens’ experiences and learning/reading stories, playing instruments, gardening etc.

What is the drop off/pick up procedure?

All parents/guardians will be provided with a PIN code for the security gate installed at the main entrance. This must not be provided to any non-authorised person, other visitors can access the Centre via the security intercom system. Please do not share the code with your child.

We use Xplor app at EBKCC. We have iPads to sign in each day.  The Centre is required to collect this information by law. It is also advised that you indicate to the educator that you are ready to leave the centre with your child.

Can anyone collect my child?

Only parents, guardians and adults authorised (nominees) to collect the child (as identified on the child’s Xplor profile/enrolment) are permitted to take the child from the Centre. If this list needs to be updated at any time it can be done through the Xplor app.

Please note: At least two authorised persons must be identified on the enrolment form. Children will not be released to unauthorised people or to people under the age of 16.

Are we charged for absences?

Yes. Kindergarten and child care fees are payable for all child absences. If you have booked child care hours, fees are payable for the full 48 weeks the Centre is open. This includes from commencement of the new year at the Centre, during school holidays, the gap from Kindergarten closure to Long day care/Christmas closure and public holidays. Fees are NOT payable when the Centre is closed for 4 weeks at the end of the year. If during the year an absence of 4 weeks or more is anticipated, the parent/guardian can inform the Centre and fees will not be charged for this time, as long as 2 weeks notice is given.

How does the Centre handle food allergies?

On enrolment all individual health concerns and medical conditions are noted and highlighted. From time to time we will have children with severe life threatening allergies. Educators will advise families to provide lunches and snacks with foods free of specific allergens in the centre. Please speak to the educators for information regarding this.

What happens if my child has an accident at the Centre?

All EBKCC Educators are encouraged to have a current First Aid Certificate.  If your child has a minor accident (eg. a small cut or graze), they will be comforted and an educator will clean the wound and apply appropriate first aid. Details of the incident will be entered into the Accident Illness and Injury Book and when you collect your child you will be told of the incident and asked to sign the book to confirm you are aware of the incident and its treatment. If the accident is more serious, the parent, carer or guardian is contacted immediately. If necessary, an ambulance will be called and a staff member will accompany the injured child to hospital if the parent/guardian/carer has not arrived.  All serious incidents are also reported to appropriate Local and State Government authorities in line with our 'Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy'.

What happens if I am late to collect my child?

If you are running late to collect your child, please ring the Centre and let staff know. They can then make necessary staffing arrangements and explain to your child where you are. Please note, however, that you will be charged a late fee of $50 for every 10 minutes or part thereof. The Centre is obliged to maintain staffing levels appropriate to the number of children at the Centre, hence the late fee.

What does my child need to bring each day?

Each day, children should bring:

  • A bag with a complete change of clothes – pants or dress, a shirt, singlet, underpants, jumper and socks.

  • A warm hat and coat in winter

  • A sunhat in summer

  • A lunchbox containing snacks and lunch and a water bottle.

All items should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.

The Centre will provide parents with information on appropriate foods. Some foods are discouraged and children who bring along foods such as lollies, chips, chocolates and soft drinks are asked to leave these until they return home. Your child should be wearing sunscreen before they arrive (there is sunscreen at the centre if this is forgotten). Some children bring special sleeping toys or security toys. If these are needed, they are welcomed. In general, however, children are discouraged from bringing in toys from home.

How can I pay fees?

Invoices are issued every two weeks for the kinder and childcare. Invoices and statements are emailed. Payment can be made by direct deposit (internet banking transfer) or direct debit through the Xplor program and app. Cash is not accepted. Parent Payments are processed weekly and receipts are emailed.

How does EBKCC communicate with families?

We aim to share the current programs running, upcoming events and other relevant information with families via notices at the entrance to the Centre and regular email newsletters. Important information and notifications may be placed in your child’s pocket outside their room, so please check them regularly. We also communicate with you via email and via this website. Families are welcomed and encouraged to approach Educators whenever they feel like talking about their child’s development. Educators are more than happy to give daily verbal feedback or to make a specific time to meet families to discuss development or other issues that may arise.

My child is sick. Can they attend?

If a child is only mildly unwell (such as with a minor cold) but is still able to participate in the day’s activities comfortably, then they can attend the Centre. Children should not attend if they show any of the following symptoms:

  • Pus or stickiness in the eye

  • A persistent green or yellow discharge from the nose

  • Severe diarrhoea or vomiting

  • An unusual skin rash

  • A fever greater than 37.5 degrees Celsius

  • Physical pain

EBKCC adheres to the guidelines of the Department of Health recommendations for exclusions and notices for illness

How is positive behaviour promoted and modelled at the Centre?

EBKCC is committed to maintaining the safety and well-being of all its participating children, staff members and volunteers. The centre’s values in this area are as follows:

  • All children need to be in a safe and secure environment and to have positive interactions with adults and other children

  • Positive behaviour has to be promoted in all children, and all children need to be respected and valued as individuals

  • It is important to set expectations and non-negotiables for behaviour so that children, other people and the environment are safe and protected

  • Children have to learn the consequences of actions and thereby develop understanding of how their actions affect other people

  • Parents, guardians and carers have to be involved in resolving issues related to guiding their child’s behaviour

EBKCC is committed to operating according to these values by providing a developmentally appropriate structure for guiding children’s behaviour and ensuring that all staff members and other people working with the children can adhere to the structure. Staff use positive language to redirect and channel energies.  Staff will physically get down to the children’s level to redirect them to other activities if required.

Can I stay at the Centre with my child?

Yes, parents and guardians are welcome to stay as long as necessary to ensure their child is settled and happy at the Centre. This can help a child make the sometimes challenging transition to Kindergarten/Childcare.

Can my child start before turning 3 years old?

Yes, if they are turning three years old prior to April 30 but only if a parent or carer is able to stay with them on the premises. Otherwise they can commence once they turn three. Their place can be held and will be charged accordingly until this time.

We encourage families to stagger their attendance for short periods while they are under 3.

Please note: if your child attends another childcare service in the intervening period (before turning three), EBKCC must be notified as this has implications for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) funding and rebates throughout the whole year.

Must my child be toilet trained before commencing at the centre?

It is not necessary for a child to be fully toilet trained before commencing at the Centre, but children are encouraged to be independent if they can manage their toileting and hand washing. We have a change bench in each children’s bathroom. Staff support the family’s current “toilet training” status.

Are we charged for public holidays?

Yes. The Centre is still obliged to pay salaries and other costs on public holidays and therefore must continue to charge fees.

What location are you?

We are in East Brunswick but also take enrolments from children in surrounding suburbs and beyond.